Physical Education at St Michael's
The intent, implementation and impact of our PE teaching can be found here.
Swimming Achievements
Swimming is taught in Year 1 through to Year 6.
Summer 2023: 100% of the cohort are able to swim unaided for 25 metres.
Sporting Success
Intra-school competitions
Each term the Sports Council run an intra-competition involving the whole school divided into 4 houses. The teams are awarded in each event which are recorded throughout the year. The children can experience winning and celebrate their achievement as well as losing which is a valuable life lesson in dealing with disappointment.
Term 1 - Boccia
Term 2 - Worldcup Football
Term 3 - Wheelchair Basketball
Term 4 - Goalball
Term 5- Sports and Games
Term 6 - Archery
Inter-school competitions
Throughout the year, children have the opportunity to represent their school and compete against other local schools. The competitions may take place in a league or tournament structure. We have taken part in the following competitions:
Year 1 - Multi Sports and Cricket Event
Year 2 - Multi Sports Event
Year 3 - Multi Sport Event
Year 4 - Cricket Event
Year 5 - Girls Football Tournament, Cricket Tournament
Year 6 - Multi Skills Event, Football Tournaments
PE Pupil Voice Survey
The purpose of this questionnaire was to find out what the children thought of their PE education at St Michael's. It was a chance to find out what type of sport they like to do/don't like to do. From this, we can plan what children would like to do more of in the new academic year.
Here are the results from the surveys.