St Michael's

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Vision and Values

Our Vision:

Believe and Achieve to be the best that we can be!

At St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, our ten values are at the core of everything we do. We use these values to be the very best that we can be and achieve our potential in an environment where we feel valued, cared for and secure; an environment that believes in us and we believe in it.



We believe and achieve to be the 'best' that we can be.  We believe and achieve in all that we do supported by our ten Christian values.  If we have faith/belief in ourselves and our community, then God will guide us to be the best that we can be and we will achieve.  This achievement will mean that we lead the 'best life' we can and develop the Christian understanding of being part of the Kingdom of God now and forever.

We have high aspirations for our children and we encourage them to aim high whilst fostering respect and care for all. We teach, support and encourage all of our children to achieve their dreams and successes by celebrating individuality together, offering engaging and varied learning opportunities but above all, enjoying all that we do together where we value everyone in our school and wider communities.

By providing an environment in which members of our community are happy, safe, comfortable, motivated and valued; learning will flourish and we will achieve what we all believe we can do and what God wants us to do!


British Values:

Alongside our 10 values we will develop children's spiritual, moral, social and cultural education through the promotion of fundamental British Values. British values will be taught throughout the curriculum and further promoted during Collective Worship.

We start each year with a new idea to unpick what 'being the best that we can be' means and how this links to our lives and the bible.  This year we have focused on the book 'What We'll Build' by Oliver Jeffers.  We don't always use a book but felt that this one was relevant.  It is about building a home/world together and appreciating special qualities to support one another.  This is very much about our key value Koinonia but also being the best person that God wants us to be - our vision!

It links with the end of the Understanding Christianity frieze where the paint pits are spreading/spilling out our values in the Kingdom of Heaven - just like us being the best person in our world.

This year's quote is from Matthew 7, v 21 "...Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven but the one who does the will of my father..."

2022 - 2023

This year we used the book 'Maybe' and then linked to 'with God, everything is possible.' Matthew 19 v 26


Every year, we depict our school values by looking at what they mean to us, where they are found in the bible and stories and teachings from the bible - these are displayed in our hall so we can see how different they are each year.

Below are our current canvases depicting our values...

Previous canvas examples are below: